May 31st - Nice (DT to Villefranche sur Mer)

Not really a Day-trip today more just a hike along the beautiful coastline to Villefranche-sur-Mer. A really pretty walk, with lots of up and down, on a, generally, well maintained path. The signposting could’ve been a little more on the ball as well but there again how difficult can it be following the sea? The day started off with the tail-end of an overnight storm and so the umbrellas came out for their first usage on this trip. However, BBC weather app aside, which promised rain all day, the sun eventually broke through and we had blue skies and sunshine for the rest of the day. It was a really nice walk, with lots of stops for scenery watching, photos, flower and bird watching, and attempts to go swimming (not by yours truly I might add! JEM’s comment on her first attempt early in the day was that it was “too ‘something’ cold”! 🥶😆😳 whatever that meant!). Still, after lunch at Villefranche-sur-Mer, she WAS successful in her ...